Episode #028 - Starting your DEVELOPMENT - You have a piece of land and an idea, What now?
Today we have Tyler Detring with Ascend Construction breaking down when the best time to involve your general contractor when you are doing your first development. We have our hosts Brian Duck and Braden Cheek from The Criterion Fund, & Joel Thompson from Precision Equity along with Tyler Detring reviewing the best way to start your first development.
Topics discussed:
You have a piece of land you want to develop and you probably have an idea of what you want to do, but when do you bring in a general contractor?
How do you find your General Contractor or GC?
What questions do you need to be asking your GC when interviewing them for your job.
What are the different types of ways a GC contracts with a Developer to build your building? Cost +, Fixed Price, Design Build, etc..
Learning how to mitigate your risk by making relationships with your GC and Architect.
Make sure you trust your GC. Once the contract is signed and the work has started, you are in it for the long haul.
*Be Sure to check us out on Spotify and Apple Podcasts for the Audio version of today's episode!**
Links mentioned in this episode: DDChecklist.HowToInvestInCRE.com | Invest.HowToInvestInCRE.com | www.TheCriterionFund.com | www.HowToInvestInCRE.com | www.ascendok.com
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